
AddObject adds the object currently handled by a table, using NewObject if there is not currently an object within the table handle otherwise a dulicate object will be added.
unsigned __int64 AddObject (
   unsigned int tableID,
   CODBPP::Object *object = NULL,
   __int64 objectID = 0


tableIDthe table ID defining the table's handle.
objectreturns the newly added object's values.
objectIDthe ID required for the new object, 0 for the next available.

Return Values

If the method succeeds, the return value is zero else see error codes for more details.


Example Use
  • C++
#include "ODBPP.h"

#define FIRST_TABLE 1
struct FixedObject{
   int First;
   double Second;
} *fixedObject;

int wmain(int argc, wchar_t* argv[])
   unsigned __int64 error;
   const char16_t *message;
   CODBPP database;
   CODBPP::Object object;
   if((error = database.BeginTransaction()) == NO_ERROR
   && (error = database.OpenTable(FIRST_TABLE)) == NO_ERROR
   && (error = database.NewObject(FIRST_TABLE,&object)) == NO_ERROR){
      fixedObject = (struct FixedObject*)object.fixed;
      fixedObject->First = 456;
      fixedObject->Second = 456.789;
      if((error = database.AddObject(FIRST_TABLE)) == NO_ERROR)
         error = database.CommitTransaction();
   if(error && database.GetErrorMessage(&message) == NO_ERROR)
   return NO_ERROR;

Also See

NewObject, DeleteObject, ReadObject, RewriteObject, RestoreObject
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