System::WriteFile will write to the contents of a file previously opened by System::CreateFile.
public System::WriteFile( OSHandle FileHandle, variable FileContents, Integer Position = TVariable::None );
FileHandle | From previous call to System::CreateFile. |
FileContents | a buffer containing the contents to be written to the file. |
Position | will write to the current file position if default parameter is passed. |
Return Values
The error.errorCode value will be set to the underlining windows error message code and the error.errorString will have a detailed description of the error.
Example Use
- C++
variable fileHandle, fileBuffer = "Hello to the entire world!"; System::CreateFile(L"MyFile.txt",System::CREATE_ALWAYS:fileHandle); System::WriteFile(fileHandle,fileBuffer);
TScript Version 1.0
Also See
System::CreateFile, System::ReadFile, System::SetFilePointerListen All
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