enum <anonymous>
Name | Value | Description |
BINARY | 1 | Convert AString or WString into an Intger in binary form |
SIGNED | 2 | Will take a small binary string integer and maintain sign when increasing to lager 64bit Integer. |
INVERTED | 3 | Will invert the string, good for turning big ended integers into little ended ones. |
SIGNED_INVERTED | 4 | When taking the Substring of a string, if less the 8 byte this will keep the sign corrent as it lengthens the integer. |
TRIM | 7 | if Substring or ToString format parameter, remove and white spaces off the begining and end. |
QUOTE | 8 | ToString format parameter, will make the string SQL safe, ie replace '"' with '\"' and so on. |
PDF_NAME | 9 | ToString format parameter, will make the string pdf safe name, ie replace ' ' with '#20' and so on. |
PDF_TEXT | 10 | ToString format parameter, will make the string pdf safe text, ie replace ' ' with '#20' and so on. |
PHP | 11 | ToString and SetStructure format parameter, will format the TVariable string for php. |
PHP_SERIALIZE | 12 | ToString and SetStructure format parameter, will format the TVariable string as php serialize. |
XML | 13 | ToString and SetStructure format parameter, will format the TVariable string for XML. |
XML_CANONICAL | 14 | ToString format parameter, will format the TVariable string for XML string in canonical form for signing. |
XML_VERBATIM | 15 | ToString format parameter, will format the TVariable string for XML, leaving the namespaces as defined in the file. |
JSON | 16 | ToString format parameter, will format the TVariable string for JSON. |
JOIN | 17 | ToString format parameter, will glue the TVariable string with a seperator, similar to php implode. |
BASE_64 | 18 | AString format parameter, will format the TVariable string for base64 with maximum lines of 64 characters. |
URL | 19 | AString format parameter, will transform invalid URL characters. |
HTML | 20 | ToString and SetStructure format parameter, Will take HTML string and break it up for processing. |
CSV | 21 | ToString and SetStructure format parameter, Will take CSV file string and break it up for process. If no headers are provided, then it assume the first row are the headers |
HEXADECIMAL | 24 | Integer format to convert strings in the format '0xFFFFFFF' and return the Integer value. |
TWO_DECIMAL_PLACES | 25 | ToString format parameter, good for currency. |
CURRENCY | 26 | WString format parameter, format a number to a string suitable to curreny. |
LOWER_CASE | 32 | AString and WString format parameter, to convert a string into lower case. |
UPPER_CASE | 33 | AString and WString format parameter, to convert a string into upper case. |
UPPER_CASE_WORDS | 35 | AString and WString format parameter, to convert a string into title case, with the first character of each word as upper case, and the remainder as lower case. |
ALPHANUMERIC | 36 | AString and WString format parameter, to remove all symbols and formating characters. |
FIRST | 0 | FindIndex and FindLabel to find the first node in the list. |
LAST | 1 | FindIndex and FindLabel to find the last node in the list. |
EQUALTO | 2 | FindIndex and FindLabel to find the node withh the equal label or index, without creating an instance of that node. |
NEXT | 3 | FindIndex and FindLabel to find the next node in the list. |
PREVIOUS | 5 | FindIndex and FindLabel to find the previous node in the list. |
Also See
Integer, AString, WString, ToString, SetStructure, FindIndex, FindLabelListen All
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