TVariable Bitwise Operators

Calculates and/or assigns a new value to the TVariable.

TVariable& operator&=(
   const TVariable &bitAndValue
TVariable& operator&=(
  __int64 bitAndValue
TVariable& operator|=(
   const TVariable &bitOrValue
TVariable& operator|=(
   __int64 bitOrValue
TVariable& operator^=(
   const TVariable &bitOrValue
TVariable& operator^=(
   __int64 bitOrValue
TVariable& operator<<=(
   const TVariable &bitRotateValue
TVariable& operator<<=(
   __int64 bitRotateValue
TVariable& operator>>=(
   const TVariable &bitRotateValue
TVariable& operator>>=(
   __int64 bitRotateValue
TVariable operator&(
   const TVariable &bitAndValue
TVariable operator|(
   const TVariable &bitOrValue
TVariable operator^(
   const TVariable &bitXOrValue
TVariable operator<<(
   const TVariable &bitRotateValue
TVariable operator<<(
   __int64 bitRotateValue
TVariable operator>>(
   const TVariable &bitRotateValue
TVariable operator>>(
   __int64 bitRotateValue
TVariable operator!(void);


bitAndValuetake the current value and perform a bitwise and with the parameter value.
bitOrValuetake the current value and perform a bitwise or with the parameter value.
bitXOrValuetake the current value and perform a bitwise exclusive or with the parameter value.
bitRotateValuetake the current value and perform a bitwise rotation with the parameter value.

Return Values

These methods will return the modified TVariable, or a temporary const TVariable created on the stack.


Example Use
  • C++
#include "TScript.h"

int wmain(int argc, wchar_t* argv[])
   TVariable var(0xccc);
   var &= 0x333;
   return NO_ERROR;

Also See

Boolean Operators, Calculable Operators
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