Searching by Spatial Indexes

Spatial Indexes are a useful type of index that give the designer the ability to search 2 or 3 dimensional space. Searching a Spatial Index builds an internal index of all objects that have an overlap between the space search for and the space given within the indexed field.

  • First open the table which you wish to view edit the objects in as previously described.
  • Then view the table indexes as previously described.
  • Use the mouse to select the index you wish to view, making sure that the blue highlight is on the desired index, right click with the mouse bottom and select "Search Index".
  • Once the "Searching Spatial Index" dialog box appears, enter the values of the 4 or 6 points defining the space that you wish to search in.
    note: this search will return any objects that have an overlapping space with the search space, not just all the objects that can fit entirely within the search space.
  • Then select "OK"