TVariable Calculable Operators

Calculates mathematical value and assigns a new value to the TVariable.

TVariable& operator+=(
   __int64 additionValue
TVariable& operator+=(
   unsigned __int64 additionValue
TVariable& operator+=(
   unsigned int additionValue
TVariable& operator+=(
   double additionValue
TVariable& operator+=(
   const char* additionValue
TVariable& operator+=(
   const BYTE* additionValue
TVariable& operator+=(
   const char16_t* additionValue
TVariable& operator+=(
   const TVariable &additionValue
TVariable& operator-=(
   const TVariable &subtractionValue
TVariable& operator*=(
   const TVariable &multiplyValue
TVariable& operator/=(
   const TVariable &divideValue
TVariable& operator++(void);
TVariable operator++(
   int value
TVariable& operator--(void);
TVariable operator--(
   int value
TVariable operator+(
   __int64 additionValue
TVariable operator+(
   double additionValue
TVariable operator+(
   const char *additionValue
TVariable operator+(
   const BYTE *additionValue
TVariable operator+(
   const char16_t *additionValue
TVariable operator+(
   const TVariable &additionValue
TVariable operator-(
   const TVariable &subtractionValue
TVariable operator*(
   const TVariable &multiplyValue
TVariable operator/(
   const TVariable &divideValue


additionValueTVariable will add or append inputted parameter value.
subtractionValueTVariable will subtract inputted parameter value, this will create an numeric value if not already.
multiplyValueTVariable will multiply inputted parameter value, this will create an numeric value if not already.
divideValueTVariable will divide inputted parameter value, this will create an numeric value if not already.

Return Values

These methods will return the modified TVariable, or a temporary const TVariable created on the stack.


Example Use
  • C++
#include "TScript.h"

int wmain(int argc, wchar_t* argv[])
   TVariable var(TEXT("Initial Value"]);
   var += TEXT("This is the appended string");
   return NO_ERROR;

Also See

Boolean Operators, Bitwise Operators
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