TVariable Array access Operators

Find and return a TVariable within a structured variable or array.

TVariable& operator[](
   __int64 index

TVariable& operator[](
   unsigned __int64 index

TVariable& operator[](
   int index

TVariable& operator[](
   unsigned int index

TVariable& operator[](
   long index

TVariable& operator[](
   unsigned long index

//Windows does not generate the casting error
TVariable& operator[](
   const char *label
){ throw u"TVariable labels are UTF-16 and __int64 only"; }

TVariable& operator[](
   const char16_t *label

//for Windows compatibility
TVariable& operator[](
   const wchar_t *label

TVariable& operator[](
   const TVariable &variable


index64 bit signed array index value. There are various different type implementations, as the compiler can auto cast to the incorrect one
label16 bit wide character string for TVariable label. The const char* throw an error as compilers can call the unsigned int version if not implemented
variableTVariable that contains either an index or label value.

Return Values

These method will return the variable that fits the position, if no one exists, it will create a new one at that position.


  • You need to be careful with the label value as MS VC++ don't provide a linking error if you use an ASCII string. All labels are 16 bit unicode string.
Example Use
  • C++
#include "TScript.h"

int wmain(int argc, wchar_t* argv[])
   TVariable var;
   var[0][u"fieldName"] = u"This is a string";
   return NO_ERROR;

Also See

Index Operators, Label Operators
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