ObjectDatabase++ has been designed and written with all the frills attached, with the philosophy - that if it is unable to sell itself, then it isn't worth selling. ObjectDatabase++ software library removes the restrictions of some other embedded database systems of developing licenses. We want you to try it for yourself, as we what you to be impressed with the quality of the system and not just the hype surrounding its sales pitch.
Each monthly release of ObjectDatabase++ comes with a default key embedded into the compilation, which allows developers a renewable three months license to use this version free. When the time expires, developers are then able to download the next monthly release with a new default key allowing another three months free use. This process is designed to force developers to update the version of our software that they are using. This is done as all licensing regimes include the expectation of voluntary updating of the software.
Download ObjectDatabase++ licenses and view the various sales options from the Sales page. And download ObjectDatabase++ and its Free GUI Editor now.