Ekky Software's Previous News Items
It has been a long time between updates on this website. We've been busy pursuing other opportunities while the market took it's time to catch up to the need for object databases to have index and tranaction support.
We've been using ObjectDatabase++ and TStript internally and have continued bug fixes and enhancing TScript to increase the amount of operations it can handle, increasing its usefulness and speed. Both bits of software have been updated to run more efficiently in concurrent conditions and with reduce memory usage.
If anyone out there wants talk about what ObjectDatabase++ can do, or is having problems trying to get it to do it, then feel welcome to send us a message via the contact us on the side bar.
We are pleased to announce the public release of our second Android App - Price Checker. This app is designed to allow people to share grocery pricing information by scanning an items barcode and doing a quick database check for the same item in your surrounding location.
This new product has leveraged on our propriety image processing technology to identify and measure barcodes and our tried and trusted web service knowledge, and packaged it up in an Android environment.
Today we are pleased to announce that we now accept user comments on most of our website pages. This will now allow you, our users, to add comments and let everyone know how well or how bad the content is.
This will allow us to tender to your needs better and allow us to move our products into a modern customer lead direction. I hope you take advantage of the new facilities.
Happy tenth birthday Ekky!
Ten years ago Ekky Software as an organisation was born and we have grown together to be older, wiser and more professional. It's remarkable about how quickly time goes by and how much we have accomplished in that time.
Just in time for the festive session break, we are pleased to announce the arrival of our online store. This extension to the current site had rocky road and will defiantly improve over time.
This is the first of the major functionality planed for our customers and over the next coming years will introduce new features, that are designed to allow our customers to login and manage their own details directly.
This month we welcome the establishment of our Wikipedia pages for both ObjectDatabase++ and TScript. These pages are helping explain our products through a well established, user friendly and simple format that most people with limited knowledge can understand.
We hope that being a part of the global list of object database providers will enable us to reach out to large cross variety of potential uses and help them to understand just what unique products we offer.
We are pleased to be releasing the next incremental update of our leading ODBMS. This version includes two new index search modes, one that removes all non alpha-numeric characters and enables searches solely on the logical information, not the punctuation. And the second is the ability for a more natural sort order where numbers are encoded into their numeric order, allowing 'a9' to be preceded by 'a10'.
This release continues our commitment to you for keeping our software up to date and leading the industry.
This month we are pleased to release the 64bit version of ObjectDatabase++ Embedded Library for the Linux OS. This maintains our commitment of providing our customers a variety of libraries that matches their current operating environment. All available version of our industry leading object database are fully functional and provide the highest level of cross OS support.
We plan to continue releasing our software on both the Windows and Linux platforms, supporting both 32 and 64 bit versions, as we recognise the importance of supporting our customers with their need to maintain compatibility with the latest platforms.
This month we have released the next updated version of TScript 1.4.0. This in release we have included server sockets with SSL connection option and two new static libraries. The new static library of TScript implements an exciting new function of TScript::AddMethod. This method allows tscripts to write themselves, a requirement for the upcoming SOAP library.
There are more changes coming through the pipeline and are scheduled to be released next month, and this changes should allow greater efficacy, flexibility and compatibility.
Ekky Software has begun a major Corporate Governance structural change with the implementation of five major International and Australian Standards. To this end we have set up numerous committees to implement corporate change throughout our organisation and have now released our company policies in this regards.
Upgrading our internal systems has been seen as a major change from the standard hierarchical command and control structure, to a horizontal speciality committee based structure that distributes power across many positions within the organisation. This change will hopefully provide our customers with higher standards and we hope this change will encourage potential customer with the confidence that our organisation is continually growing.
We have updated the Texas Business Software section of the website, releasing many more details on the features of both our flagship software suite and the integrated scripting language TScript. This may help people understand the use of TScript and how the business software can better integrate your business with its IT systems.
We are still on the lookout for more appropriate beta sites so if you like the bleeding edge and think you shouldn't have to pay for software that isn't bug free - then don't.
With the demise of OpenSolaris, Ekky Software will no longer be supporting the Solaris operating system. We hope that doesn't impact too many people, as downloads of these version have not been all that substantial, although we apologise for any inconvenience this decision creates for any customer.
We just finished the move to larger and more comfortable premises here in North Sydney, Australia. We hope that there haven't been too many disruptions to our customers due to the move, but now we have more room to grow.
Two and a half thousand downloads of the ObjectDatabase++ SDK. It has taken some time to gain the trust and support of the global community and over those years of distributing our software we have proven a trusted source. This every increasing take up of our software shows the other potential users that with their support we can achieve our dreams.
New for 2011, we please to announce the release of the ObjectDatabase++ ATL COM Wrapper Library. This new library allows VB.NET and C# programmers the ability to access ObjectDatabase++ files directly and enables .NET programmers to have far more control over their database queries. As part of the SDK or as individual installation file, this new API is perfect for .NET Web Services,DCOM servers or stand-alone applications.
With great expectation we are moving ObjectDatabase++ forwards in to the modern era with the release of the 64bit versions. This has caused the release of version 3 of the GUI Editor and version 4.2 of the ODBMS. As a server speciality database, the 64bit version is to allow developers to progress their own projects onto server specific hardware and gain the performance benefits that they provide.
Welcome to Ekky Software's newly redeveloped website. The original website that was designed nearly 10 years ago and was really starting to become outdated and we finally bit the bullet and totally redesigned the entire site. The next product inline for a face-lift is the ObjectDatabase++ GUI Editor, which should also be 64bit compliant and with a modern Visual Studio look and feel.