Ekky Software is currently looking for a maximum of three Beta Sites. These sites will be medium sized enterprises with 50 to 100 employees and all sites should be within as different industries as possible.
We plan to offer the companies involved in the Beta Program our software free, in exchange for being able to install all upgrades on their systems two to four weeks before all other customers. We are running the Beta Program in case there are any issues relating newly released software, these issues will be limited to those within the Beta Program, who can expected a quick and attentive response to remedy any problems.
We are expecting to have a variety of Beta Sites within as different industries as possible. We want enterprises with 50 or more concurrent users and who are also located within the Sydney metro area.
Ekky Software will supply its standard range software free of charge. All customisations, hardware, Windows OS and any other third party software particular to your business is not apart of this offer.
Ekky Software will provide any participant at least twelve (12) months notice of termination of this agreement, there is no requirement on the participant to give a period of notice to terminate the agreement. After termination the standard fees and charges will apply if the party wishes to continue using the TDBE.
To register your interest for joining the Beta Program, please fill out the form below and we will get back to you shortly.