System::SocketSend sends a buffer to a remote host via a TCP connection that was previouly opened with CTScript::System::SocketConnect.
public System::SocketSend( OSHandle socketHandle, variable buffer );
socketHandle | the socket handle of this connection. |
buffer | the data to send. |
Return Values
The error.errorCode value will be set to the underlining windows error message code and the error.errorString will have a detailed description of the error.
Example Use
- TScript
main(){ OSHandle socket; System::SocketConnect("ekkySoftware.com":socket); System::SocketSend(socket,"GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n" "User-Agent: TScript Software http://ekkySoftware.com/\r\n" "Host: ekkysofware.com\r\n\r\n"); System::SocketReceive(socket:fileBuffer); System::MessageBox(fileBuffer.AString().ToString(), u"File Contents of / at ekkySoftware.com"); }
TScript Version 1.2
Also See
System::SocketConnect, System::SocketGetInfo, System::SocketReceiveListen All
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