SetParameter sets environmental and security parameters for the script to run in, this give the calling code the ability to script known script with low securities or unknown script in a tighter security model.
typedef void (*pCallbackMethod)( CTScript* context, TVariable* inputList /*=NULL*/, unsigned short inputList_l /*=0*/, TVariable* outputList /*=NULL*/, unsigned short outputList_l /*=0*/, TVariable* errorVariable /*=NULL*/ ); unsigned int SetParameter( Parameter parameter, __int64 integer = 0, const char16_t *string = NULL, void **pointer = NULL );
parameter | identifer of the parameter. |
integer | integer value. |
string | constant string value. |
pointer | void pointer value that can include pCallbackMethod. |
Return Values
If the method succeeds, the return value is zero else see error codes for more details.
Example Use
- C++
void callbackSystemReportEvent( CTScript* context, TVariable* inputList, unsigned short inputList_l, TVariable* outputList, unsigned short outputList_l, TVariable* errorVariable ) { CMyDialog *parent; MessageBox(context->GetParameter(CTScript::PARENT_CONTEXT, NULL,NULL,(void**)&parent) == NO_ERROR ? parent->GetSafeHwnd() : NULL, (const wchar_t*)inputList[0].WString(), TEXT("Windows Event Log Error"), MB_ICONERROR); } } void CMyDialog::OnExecuteTScript() { CTScript script(); script.SetParameter(CTScript::PARENT_CONTEXT,0,NULL,this); script.SetParameter(CTScript::ADD_STATIC_CALLBACK_METHOD,0, TEXT("System::ReportEvent(WString message, Integer level = 0)"), callbackSystemReportEvent); script.SetParameter(CTScript::SOURCE_STRING,TEXT(" main(){ System::ReportEvent("Hello World");} "); script.ExecuteStaticMethod(); }
Also See
ExecuteStaticMethod, GetParameterListen All
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